It is said that we make eleven judgements about a person in the first seven seconds of meeting them. I do not know whether this is driven by our desire to compartmentalise them or contextualise them in relation to ourselves. Either way I do not like it – Being boxed I mean!

I hate introductions, I always appear so wishy washy. It might be that I don’t have an easily placed accent, have generic degrees and lots of careers, that leaves even my closest friends asking – “what Do you do – I never quite know?” But I suspect it is my desire for freedom and flexibility, coupled with the fear of being boxed, that makes me answer, “Everything possible!” It is true, I am an ideas person and I am as happy with a mitre saw as an embroidery needle which ever helps to achieve the result I want. I’m not a shopper, don’t do latest trends or television, more of an outdoorsy wellington girl.

While I am trying to contextualise my concept and skills, the rigidity of our economy just seems hell bent on compartmentalising me and my skills. The frustration is that I know – to market ourselves we need to find our ‘niche’, and focus on getting that word out to the market place in a clear and concise manner. This essentially means packaging myself in a box. The real issue, of course, is not climbing into the box – it’s being left there by those who wanted us neatly packaged in the first place!

Images: ‘I will not be boxed’ project ©Úna Curley15

If you like the ideas presented in this post or any of my other posts why not enquire about my ‘manipulationomics’ or other awareness building talks and workshops.


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